Dunchurch Boughton CofE Infant Academy and Nursery

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E-safety Update

From time to time we are made aware of new issues or concerns in the field of e-safety. Through this page you can keep updated with the latest news. As an infant school and nursery many of these threats are unlikely to apply to children in our school’s age-range, but we feel families in our school community may still benefit, especially those with older siblings.


Talking Angela App – advice for Parents

The following information is being shared by CEOP and Saferinternet Centre: –

The ‘Talking Angela’ app is a chatbot mobile phone app. The app uses artificial intelligence so it appears that the on-screen character, in this case a cat, to be talking to you as part of the game play. There are many apps available like this. The app has a rating in the Google and Apple app stores as being acceptable for children and/or everyone.


Privacy policy:  www.outfit7.com/privacy-policy. The privacy policy outlines the types of non-personally identifiable information it collects (e.g. IP address, time zone etc) from all those who download and use the app. It should be noted that whilst not personally identifying, some of this data may uniquely identify your device. It also outlines that the circumstances under which the developer will collect personally identifiable information about you (i.e. your name, email address and telephone number) are when you voluntarily register with, request information from or contact the app developer Outfit7. The developer also collects data log files – with all personal information deleted – that show how the app is used and played so that the developer can make updates and improvements. The collection of these files is clearly stated by way of a legal notice in the app’s description in the app store.


There is also a feature within the app that enables the user to share their activity in the app via Facebook, including taking a picture. When you connect your Facebook profile with any third party site or app you are giving the developer or owner of that site permission to access certain information from your Facebook profile. The types of information accessed vary depending on the app and is also dependent on the privacy settings of the Facebook account (usually your Facebook friends list and any information you choose to make public). You can control the information available about you via the privacy settings of your Facebook profile (for controlling information shared with apps click on the padlock symbol in the top right hand corner, followed by ‘More Settings’ and then choose ‘Apps’ from the menu on the left hand side).


App stores all have rating classifications to aid parents and carers in making informed choices about the sorts of content their children can have access to. The ‘Talking Angela’ app has been rated as being suitable for all users. These ratings are a guide and not a replacement for parents and carers viewing the content themselves so that they can make a judgement on its appropriateness for their child. If you do consider an app to be appropriate for your child, parents and carers should continue to supervise their child’s use as developers regularly update and add to their apps – this is particularly important with younger children.
